• Herzlich willkommen!

    Das Team von »Doctor Brick« heißt Euch herzlich willkommen und wünscht Euch viel Spaß hier!
    »Doctor Brick« ist eine anerkannte Community (RLOC) für erwachsene LEGO Enthusiasten, auch AFOLs (= Adult Fans Of LEGO) genannt.
    Wir können uns hier über alle Belange des LEGO Hobbys austauschen wie z.B. Set- und Teilefragen, Vorstellung und Rezensionen von Legobauten.
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Skaerbaek Fanweekend 2020 abgesagt !


5 Dez. 2014

Leider wurde, wie fast schon befürchtet, gestern Abend das Fanweekend in Skaerbaek 2020 endgültig abgesagt.

Zuletzt wurde die Veranstaltung bereits ohne Publikum geplant, nun also das endgültige Aus.

Anbei die Benachrichtigung an die Teilnehmer im Original...

We knew it wouldn’t be easy.

We knew not much would be possible.

We tried everything we could to create at least something tiny.

But the situation evolves in the wrong direction. Number of infections is rising everywhere and more and more countries are not allowed to enter Denmark and it seems to be likely that even more will follow.

It breaks our hearts, but the risk is too high and we don’t have any other option than cancel of what is left of the Skærbæk Fan Weekend 2020.

Please note the following:

  • There are no further actions from you are required
  • The LEGO House grants us still exclusive access on Thursday, the tickets are still valid.
  • Cottages are still available and it’s still just a couple of minutes to the beautiful coast of Rømø. I heard rumors that people are going to Skærbæk to have some nice holidays ;)
  • If you think the North Sea is too cold, you could go to the swimming hall at the skærbækcentret.
  • LEGO House and swimming hall are open these days anyways with their own hygiene concepts.

There also won’t be any virtual event because Skærbæk is not about the mocs, it’s about getting in tough with other AFOLs. So instead of starring at your smartphone watching boring videos during the last weekend of September why not starring at your smartphone and get in touch with other AFOLs using any available communication form?

For those who will go to Skærbæk anyway, please feel free to decorate the cottage with as many bricks as possible - just to keep up the spirit.

The Skærbæk Fan Weekend Team

Schade, Schade, aber verständlich !


ThomaS, Tech-Admin
11 Mai 2013
Sehr schade, aber angesichts wieder steigender Infektionszahlen absolut nachvollziehbar.
Skærbæk 2021!
